What is Samalander?
Samalander is all about technical writing -- and technical writing productivity.
We believe you can double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity with new technologies such as the OASIS DITA XML standard. We know because we've done it, as shown in the graphs "Words","Words Counted Once", "New Pages", and "Pages".
We accomplished this increase with a mix of
- high-value, low-cost Samalander software,
- knowledge, and
- experience in setting up friendly, simple, and effective authoring and publishing environments for technical documentation.
We believe you, independent contractors and small writing teams, can do at least as well.
Check Out Our Results
We've done it, and we've seen the benefits. Below you'll see some charts of data we've collected over the last few years as we've implemented our methods in small writing groups. As you can see, we get results.
The graphs assume publishing only once per major release in year. They ignore re-publishing, i.e. minor releases, SME review, Draft, Preliminary and multiple Standards.
Published Word Count
The number of words appearing in all published content: paper manuals, pdf, web, etc.
Words Counted Once
To account for DITA-XML content references, we also count the number of words in source documentation, excluding reuse. This is a good measure of how much content the author actually maintains.
New Pages Per Year
The number of new pages an author maintains per year.
Total Pages Per Year
the total number of pages an author maintains per year.
Who We Are
Samalander-OS Ltd. is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Team Members
Peter Fournier,CEO
Peter is a technical writing professional with over 30 years of experience in the field. He started his technical documentation career at Bell Northern Research in the 1980s later moved to Nortel. He rose to become a senior manager and was responsible for many technical writing improvements over the years, including the UniHelp online help system and documentation templates which were in continuous use for over 10 years.
Peter struck out on his own in 2002 and founded Samalander in 2005.
Matthew Fournier, CTO
Matthew graduated from the University of Ottawa in 2009 having earned an honours B.Sc. in physics and mathematics. He took on the role of lead developer at Samalander soon after, and is responsible for creating the Samalander Software Center as well as several other projects.