This release of the Samalander Software Center introduces major improvements and new free module: the DITA Backslash Fixer.
Peter Fournier, a founder of Samalander, has been invited to give a talk titled "Apples-to-apples Metrics: Can we develop a standard baseline metric for DITA?" at the international Content Management Strategies/DITA North America conference in Rhode Island, April 15-17, 2013. The conference is sponsored by CIDM, the Center for Information-Development Management.
Samalander is all about technical writing -- and technical writing productivity.
We believe you can double, triple, or even quadruple your productivity with new technologies such as the OASIS DITA XML standard. We know because we've done it, as shown in the graphs "Words","Words Counted Once", "New Pages", and "Pages".
We accomplished this increase with a mix of
We believe you, independent contractors and small writing teams, can do at least as well.