Download Update

Hello! This is the page where you can download updates to the Samalander Software Center.

Click the button below to download the latest update:

Get Latest Update

After downloading the updater, double click it and follow the installation instructions.

More Information

Currently the Samalander Software Center is at release 1.1.2.

If the button above does not work, right-click the link below and select "Save Link As ..." to download the updater.

Change Log

Changes in Release 1.1.2

  1. Fixed bugs and failing tests across all modules
  2. Fixed a bug in Dita Backslash Remover that stripped the xml declaration out of files

Running an Update Installer

Once you have downloaded an update installer EXE file, launch the installer and follow the prompts.

We recommend you install and update the Software Center in the default location on your disk. Doing so makes it easier to update or install additional modules later.